Computers and mobile phones help us all to share things, talk to our friends and meet new people. But they can also make it easier for bullies and other people who might want to hurt you to get close to you.

How to stay safe

The following can help you stay safe online:

  • Keep personal information like mobile numbers and addresses to yourself.
  • Not all people you meet online are real or honest.
  • If you publish a picture or video ANYONE can change or share it.
  • Remember you can block people you don’t know in chat and Instant Messenger.
  • If you find anything that makes you uncomfortable online, tell an adult you trust like a parent or teacher.

What is online abuse?

Online abuse can involve cyberbullying, sexting or cyberstalking using social media accounts, emails, chat rooms and other online forums or websites. The use of digital technology to threaten, tease, upset or humiliate someone else is a form of bullying.

If you are worried about something or need more information about staying safe online you can visit the following websites:

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