Displaying 1 - 10 of 10

  • A Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) - Adult C

    A Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) was commissioned by the Bath & North East Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) following the admission to hospital of Adult ‘C’.

  • Child Safeguarding Practice Review Baby M

    Unexplained Non-Accidental Injury in children under 1 year.

  • Child Safeguarding Practice Review Skye

    A statutory Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review (LCSPR) was commissioned by Bath and North-East Somerset Community Safety and Safeguarding Partnership (BCSSP) following a serious incident notification of the death of Skye, a 17-year-old white British girl. Skye was made subject to a full care order to Bath & North-East Somerset (B&NES) local authority aged 15 years

  • Practitioner SAR Report Cooper

    Cooper (not his real name) died in hospital in June 2020. He was 71 years old. Cooper had a learning disability and had lived in residential care homes for people with learning disabilities for a number of years.

  • Practitioner SAR Report Cooper

    This review focuses on the treatment and support afforded to Angus, who died as a hospital inpatient, having been admitted a week previously. At the time of his death Angus was 72 years of age.

  • Practitioner SAR Report Elley

    The Review Panel received written information from all agencies involved with Elley between the 1st September 2017 and the 30th September 2018, her death was on 26th September 2018. In addition practitioners who had known and worked with Elley attended a ‘learning event’ to contribute their perspectives and ensure that the review was informed by those closest to practice.

  • Practitioner SAR Report Levi

    Levi died unexpectedly in November 2019 following a cardiac arrest. He was age 36 years old at the time of his death. He left family including his mother, who was involved in his support, and a sister. He also had children with whom contact was variable. over the years. He was of Black Caribbean heritage.

  • Practitioner SAR Report Mark

    The Review Panel received written information from all the agencies that had contact with Mark between the 12th March 2018 and 11th March 2019. In addition, practitioners who had known and worked with Mark attended a ‘learning event’ to contribute their perspectives and ensure that the review was informed by those closest to practice.

  • Practitioner SAR Report Martin

    Martin Evans was a White British man of 36 who died in March 2019. He had a long history of mental health concerns and alcohol use. He was found unresponsive at his home address but could not be resuscitated and was pronounced dead that the scene. The Coroner’s inquest records the medical cause of death as ‘unascertained’ but concluded that he died as a result of the consumption of a benzodiazepine drug on a background of chronic liver disease due to alcohol.

  • South Gloucestershire Children’s Partnership CSPR Baby M April 2023

    Unexplained Non-Accidental Injury in children under 1 year.


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