Bullying is a frightening experience which can isolate a child and damage self-confidence.

Unfortunately, bullying does take place both in and out of school, and parents, carers, teachers and other professionals have a duty to take action if they suspect or discover that a child is being bullied.

Bullying can seriously affect your child. It doesn’t just involve physical abuse – it can include emotional and verbal abuse, racist remarks and cyber bullying. The impact of bullying can often be underestimated, it is important that as a parent or carer you can recognise the impact of bullying and recognise the signs.

Bullying can include:

  • Name calling
  • Making things up to get others into trouble
  • Being put down or humiliated
  • Being teased
  • Stealing others belongings/money
  • Damaging others belongings
  • Taking friends away to make someone feel excluded
  • Cyberbullying
  • Spreading rumours
  • Threats and intimidation
  • Making abusive phone calls or sending abuse texts and e-mails

Recognising the signs

The signs of bullying can include:

  • Coming home with cuts and bruises
  • Torn clothes
  • Asking for stolen possessions to be replaced
  • ‘Losing’ dinner money
  • Being moody and bad tempered
  • Wanting to stay at home
  • Aggression with brothers and sisters
  • Anxiety and insecurity
  • Being quiet and withdrawn

What to do next

If you suspect or discover that your child or a child you know is being bullied talk to his/her teacher or the Head Teacher.

By law, all schools must have a behaviour policy in place that includes measures to prevent all forms of bullying among pupils.

This policy is decided by the school. All teachers, pupils and parents must be told what it is.

The B&NES Council website has more information on bullying and young people.

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